Mauritius IGF 2017 - Call for Abstracts
The Mauritius Internet Governance Forum (Mauritius IGF) is an initiative that fosters policy dialogue among stakeholders on issues of Internet governance. It offers a unique space for an amazing range of people to share information and develop solutions on key Internet issues.
Mauritius IGF is based in Mauritius and actions encompass the following objectives:
To advance Internet Governance issues in Mauritius through a multi-stakeholder framework as well as facilitating partnerships and coalitions that deliver coordinated domestic responses, initiatives, and synergies,
To increase awareness and build capacity development on Internet Governance issues in Mauritius so as to ensure informed dialogue on policy and related matters between all stakeholders;
To establish a coordinated and coherent framework for dealing with Internet Governance issues in Mauritius;
To facilitate the participation of a broad range of stakeholders in Internet Governance issue; and
To ensure that Mauritius views are represented in the region and at Global IGF
Mauritius IGF Contact
Mauritius IGF
Mahen Busgopaul
Suite 208, Sterling House, Lislet Geoffroy Street,
Port Louis, Mauritius.
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @mauritiusIGF